2021 Chapter Holiday Party and Awards Ceremony

INCOSE members and Guests,

The INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Board of Directors wishes to thank our corporate sponsors, industry partners, lecturers, and volunteers for supporting the Chapter throughout the year. We extend a special note of gratitude to all that were engaged this year with nearly all virtual events. With your support, we continue to offer a number of systems engineering programs to our membership and the engineering community. This year we hosted lectures and training sessions on topics of interest requested by our membership. We supported a number of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs including local public-school science fairs by providing judges and cash awards.  

Based on a survey of Chapter members, we have updated our website with a more intuitive user experience, more access to systems engineering resources and better enrollment interfaces for chapter events and activities. We will use the survey to shape our future lectures and events. 

This year marks the 27th anniversary of our founding. To honor the many members who have contributed to our success over the years, we have made available on our website photographs and videos of many past events to include our annual SEP Awards Ceremony and the Holiday Party. We also maintain the INCOSE Chesapeake section on YouTube where most of our formal presentations are conveniently available to the public. 

We are proud to have served the membership and grateful for your support, whether it was a commitment of your valuable time, sponsorship, or donation. Without your dedication our chapter would not be successful and recognized by INCOSE International as one of the top chapters in the world.

We sincerely wish everyone a Joyous Holiday Season!

The INCOSE Chesapeake Board of Directors

Click to download the 2021 Holiday program


Special Thanks to our Sponsors


Photos from the event

Photography by - Madeline Sames