INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Participates on the new INCOSE STEM Working Group

Ardent member of INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter's own STEM outreach team, Deborah Harris (CSEP), stepped in to also represent her chapter at the launch of INCOSE's new international STEM Working Group. This new INCOSE working group has been established to better coordinate and promote future INCOSE-unique STEM initiatives across chapters. Two separate meetings were held in June where discussions covered charter items such as Goals, Scope, Approach and Measures of Success for the Initiative. Working Group members began considering how INCOSE might better increase contributions to STEM related communities across the globe through means of such methods as application of the INCOSE Competency Framework to sectors in education. The Chesapeake Chapter greatly appreciates Deborah joining the working group which will ensure that the Chapter stays fully engaged in STEM activities at both the international and local levels.