Opportunity to engage with Idaho National Laboratory

Idaho National Laboratory’s Resilience Optimization Center (INL ROC), in collaboration with the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the International Society of Automation (ISA), is inviting anyone interested to “Brew with the Crew,” a virtual after-work event that takes place every third Thursday of the month, 4:00-5:00 MST via Microsoft Teams.

The purpose is to allow opportunity for instrumentation, control and intelligent systems researchers and practitioners to interact with others in their community.

INL ROC partners with public and private entities, other national laboratories, and academia to address our Nation’s infrastructure challenges.

 Check out their itinerary here… https://resilience.inl.gov/brew-with-the-crew/

Download their flyer

And please let us at Program@incose-cc.org know you’ll be attending.