Dr. Grace Crowder, ASEP

President-Elect-2017 | President-2018 | President-Past-2019


Dr. Grace Crowder joined the National Security Agency (NSA) as a civilian in January 1998. She joined the Research Directorate and worked on several projects to support the NSA mission.nnDr. Crowder has collaborated with others across the Intelligence Community, industry, and academia on projects that include: text document genre identification, flexible database representations, distributed knowledgebase systems, and an analytics worksheet framework for streaming data analytics. In addition, she has launched several initiatives, partnering with the Computer Science Teacher’s Association, the DOE National Labs, and U.S. Colleges and Universities to further grow the computer science community at NSA and nationwide. Dr. Crowder holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from Goucher College, a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the Johns Hopkins University and has defended her dissertation in Computer Science from the University of Maryland Baltimore County to receive her Ph.D. in December of 2016. Prior to joining NSA, Dr. Crowder spent 10 years in private industry and 6 years on the computer science faculty of Towson State University.